Welcome to Day 3 of your 10-Day Transformation Series!
So… how did yesterday’s homework go?
If you completed the “Transform Your Excuses into Actions” worksheet, congratulations! You now have a list of concrete actions you can take to create the change you most want to see in your life.
If you experienced any challenges completing this exercise, don’t worry – you’re not alone. It can be extremely difficult to let go of excuses you have spent a lifetime nurturing.
… especially when those excuses involve other people or events that are beyond your control.
Do you feel like you’re a victim of circumstance?
Maybe you had a tough upbringing, with parents who didn’t teach you the lessons you needed to learn to create a successful life. Maybe your spouse has been holding you back by dismissing your ambitions or attacking your self-esteem. Or maybe government cuts or lay-offs resulted in the loss of your job, business or career.
If you’ve experienced any of these situations in your life, I feel for you. I understand how painful these things can be. But the time has come to let them go.
The only thing you truly have control over in this life is YOU. The sooner you stop wasting energy on blaming other people or events for your circumstances, the sooner you can reclaim that control and create the life you truly want.
Today I’m going to teach you my most powerful secret on how to steal back your power from the people, circumstances, and events that are making it impossible for you to move forward.
This is a surefire way to reclaim control over your life and start creating the life you dream of.
Step 1: Watch “Liberate Yourself from The Blame Game”
Step 2: Create a list of 5-10 blaming behaviors you are going to eliminate from your life from this point forward. (E.g., “I’m no longer going to blame my parents for my lack of success in life.”)
Step 3: Create a list of NEW behaviors you are going to use to reclaim total power over your own life. (E.g., “Whenever I feel resentment towards my parents, I’m going to consciously practice love and gratitude instead.”)
Step 4: (optional) Share your intention with a supportive community by participating in the conversation with my Success Community on Facebook.
If you feel like you’re falling behind or becoming overwhelmed with these lessons and activities, please be gentle with yourself and cut yourself some slack. This is HUGE stuff you’re dealing with, and you may decide you need more time to process the learning and complete the work at a pace that works better for you.
That said, I do want you to keep moving forward! If you haven’t completed yesterday’s homework yet, schedule some time in the next day or two to get it done. Then do the same for today’s homework, and every day after this. It’s okay to take more time if you need it – the important thing is to commit to KEEP MOVING FORWARD and finish this series – no matter how long it takes.