Welcome to Day 5 of your 10-Day Transformation Series!
Wow! Can you believe we’re already halfway through this series?! Today you’ll learn a simple equation that’s going to have a revolutionary impact on your life.
But first… Have you done your homework from yesterday? Acknowledging your past successes is a powerful way to generate the confidence you need to fuel your progress toward future success.
When you see how much you’ve already accomplished in your life, you realize that you can achieve anything you set your mind to!
Now, for today’s lesson! You’re about to discover the ONE powerful success strategy that will significantly improve your life – by teaching you how to get a better outcome every time, no matter what kind of circumstance you find yourself in.
It’s called E+R=O – in other words: EVENT + RESPONSE = OUTCOME.
What this means is, every outcome you experience is the result of how you responded to an earlier event.
When you respond to negative events in a positive way, you are far more likely to guarantee a more positive outcome.
Watch the video to get an overview of how this equation works. Then complete today’s reading assignment and listen to your free gift – the 60-minute audio below – to deep-dive into this topic and learn how you can use this approach to create a positive outcome for yourself every time.
This is the ONE powerful lesson, more than any other, that will significantly improve your life – by learning how to bend circumstances in your favor no matter what events life throws your way!
Step 1: Read pages 39-43 in your excerpt of The Success Principles (that’s pages 6-10 if you’re reading The Success Principles 10th Anniversary Edition)
Step 2: Listen to this 60-minute audio gift “Take Control and Get What You Want” for inspiring stories on what people just like you can accomplish when they take control of their lives and pursue what they really want in life.
This audio teaches you how you can change the outcomes you get in life by simply changing your responses.
Step 3: As you listen, write down one recent outcome you weren’t happy with and consider how a different response might have resulted in a better situation.
Step 4: Think of an upcoming event you’re worried about and consider the different responses you can make. Which one is most likely to lead to the outcome you desire most?
Step 5: (optional) To improve your chances of creating the favorable outcome, please share the upcoming event and your planned response with a trusted friend or with a supportive community by participating in the Facebook conversation for feedback. When you put it out there in the world, you’re much more likely to receive it!