Welcome to Day 6 of your 10-Day Transformation Series!
Today you’re going discover one of my most powerful success tools.
But first… did you listen to your 60-minute audio recording yesterday? If not, I suggest you schedule time to do that soon. Knowing how to change your response to events in order to create positive outcomes is one of the biggest steps you can take toward success.
Today you’ll learn about one of the most powerful and underutilized success tools out there – something that accelerates your path to success in 3 key ways:
– It trains your brain to achieve more by activating the creative powers of your subconscious mind
– It programs you to notice available resources that you may have been overlooking before
– It attracts to you the people, resources, and opportunities you need to reach your goal
We’re talking about the power of VISUALIZATION.
Visualization is the act of creating vivid and compelling pictures in your mind so you can “see” your success before it happens. This might sound simple – but it’s one of the most powerful and underutilized success tools out there.
Visualization trains the brain to achieve more. Science proves it!
A study conducted by Harvard found that students who conducted visualization exercises in advance performed tasks with nearly 100% accuracy – while students who didn’t visualize achieved only 55% accuracy. Watch the video to learn more about the power of visualization – then claim your free gift below: the first CD from Jack Canfield’s Awakening Power series, at absolutely no cost to you!
By incorporating the power of visualization into your daily routine, you will be astonished at how much easier it becomes to achieve what you want – much faster than you’d expect.
Step 1: Download or listen to your free copy of “Awakening Power” (1 hour and 11 minutes)
Step 2: Schedule time to listen to the entire CD in one sitting, working through the visualization and meditation exercises included.
Step 3: Share your experience with my Facebook Success Community, so we can celebrate the positive actions you’ve just taken!