Welcome to Day 8 of your 10-Day Transformation Series!
In order to invite success into your life, first you have to MAKE ROOM for it. Today you’ll learn how to make that happen.
But first… Did you complete yesterday’s homework and figure out what your life’s purpose is?
If so, congratulations! That is a HUGE milestone on your journey toward living a successful life.
If not, don’t give up. Be patient and revisit the questions in yesterday’s assignment often. When you discover your purpose in life, everything else falls into place.
Now for today’s lesson:
Have you ever tried to cram something into a crowded closet? If so, you know that you almost always end up making more of a mess than you had in the first place!
In order to create room for success, there’s some old baggage you need to remove from your life.
I call this step “clearing up your messes and incompletes.” Today I’m going to show you how to sweep your life clean of some of the biggest obstacles that have been holding you back from achieving your biggest goals.
Think about your life for a moment… Are there any areas where you’ve left uncompleted projects or failed to get closure with people?
Often, these incompletes represent areas in our life where we’re not clear – or where we have emotional or psychological blocks. But when you don’t complete the past, you can’t be free to fully embrace the present. So today, bring the POWER OF COMPLETION into your life. I encourage you to adopt a “completion mindset” from this point forward.
If there are any situations from your past that have been preventing you from moving forward in your life, it’s time to let them go. When you clear out the old, you make room for something better.
To make this happen, first watch the video to get a clearer sense of the POWER of clearing up your messes and incompletes. Then complete the assignment below.
You will be amazed at how liberated you’ll feel – and how much you’re suddenly able to accomplish as a result.I guarantee it.
Step 2: Schedule a “Completion Weekend” and devote 2 full days to completing as many items on the list as possible. (The sooner you do this the better!)
Step 3: Schedule time every month to cross 1-2 more items off the list, so that by the end of one year, you have dealt with every item on the list.
Step 4: Share your experience with my Facebook Success Community, so we can celebrate the positive actions you’ve just taken!
Once you get into the habit of never leaving anything undone, you will be amazed at how much you accomplish – and how quickly!