My Story

My childhood memories unfortunately include an abusive father, constantly moving, and a constant lack of money. In 2001, my father abandoned my family, leaving us 5 days before our lease was up. I was 22. I lived with my parents and 2 brothers in a small apartment in Boca Raton, Florida. I worked for my father as a swim coach. His departure caused a split in our family. My mom moved into a 40 and up community and my brothers moved in with their friends. My dad withheld over a month of pay from my coaching swimming, leaving me broke and homeless. The only place I found safe to stay was in a set of bushes at Lynn University where my dad worked for 25 years. It was hidden from people, so I could sleep at night and during the day, I had access to public showers and restrooms. I managed to land a job at Miami Subs. I made minimum wage, but I was determined to save up enough money to get a car. Once I could live in my car, then I’d save up enough money for my own apartment.

A friend invited me to an IBI Global Networking Event. He was so emphatic about this “Bernie Doorman” and how important it was that I met him. Reluctantly, I went to the event. I met Bernie and had a conversation that would change the rest of my life. Bernie said that he saw something in me and called me “a thimble.” He then explained the story of the Thimble, Cup, Pool, Lake, and Ocean (below). He offered to mentor me by giving me one hour of his time per month, on one condition: I had to read “The Success Principles” cover to cover before we could start. I dove in head-first and I credit my success to this. I remember Bernie telling me “You’re so dumb, Shane. You just don’t know and we are going to change that! You won’t know, until you know.”

I started putting the principles into practice. I started my first business, Buses Against Drunk Driving, with every penny I had ($150.00!) in Boca Raton, Florida. I asked local nightlife spots to partner with me to allow college-student free admission for riding on our bus and choosing not to drink and drive. They agreed. Now, I needed a vehicle! I called American Coach Lines and worked out a deal to rent their buses in order to prevent college-age drinking and driving. They agreed and I negotiated an insanely low price. Since I wasn’t able to pay in advance for these rentals – $150.00 only goes so far! – I knew I would have to negotiate a way to pay in cash on the day of the rental. They made an exception and agreed, as long as I provided 24-hours’ notice.  I used my $150.00 to buy flyers and wristbands. I sold seats on the bus by going door to door at local colleges and offering a cost-effective way to get to the local clubs, drink, and make it safely back home. My first month in business, I made $13,000.00 in profit and averaged $25,000.00 a month thereafter.  I now own/operate 12 businesses, but my true passion is helping others to achieve their goals. This passion inspired another transportation company: SQ Party Bus. When I started this company, I made a promise that we still keep today. We donate 50% of all our profits to those in need: disabled individuals, veterans, single mothers, and others who need our assistance in our community.

Between starting Buses Against Drunk Driving and today, my life has changed so much. I came to Georgia in 2005 to care for my mother when she was told she had 3 months to live. After experimental [pig skin] surgery, brain surgery and many hospital visits, she is miraculously still with us today. I had the opportunity to become a father to three wonderful boys, of whom I have full custody. Single parenthood was extremely tough, especially dealing with an ailing parent. Through it all, my success mindset and love of my boys kept me moving forward. Now, I am the luckiest man in the world! I have Kristen my better half; we have 4 incredible boys. Now, I spend my time building my businesses and helping others achieve their dreams!


Bernie: Shane, you are a thimble!
Shane: What is a thimble?
Bernie: That’s how much weight or water you hold.
Shane: Ok, so what does that mean?
Bernie: People that are thimbles are people that have 9-5 jobs. They can only earn more money from a raise or working more hours in the day. Shane, you don’t want to be a thimble!
Shane: No, I don’t!
Bernie: What do you think comes after a thimble?
Shane: A cup? I’m not sure.
Bernie: Yes, a cup will work. What do you think a cup is?
Shane: I’m not sure, maybe someone that owns a business?
Bernie: Close! A cup is someone that owns a small business with one location. They make $30,000.00 to a few $100,000.00 a year.
Shane: I want to be a cup!
Bernie: No, you don’t want to be a cup. You have more potential than a cup.
Shane: Ok, what’s next?
Bernie: What do you think is next, Shane?
Shane: A bowl or tub?
Bernie: (Laughs) Close. It’s a pool. What do you think a pool is?
Shane: Someone that owns many businesses?
Bernie: Yes, someone that owns many businesses across the state – like a franchise. Pools make millions of dollars a year.
Shane: Ok, I want to be a pool! Can you help me become a pool?!
Bernie: Shane, you have more potential than a pool. What do you think is bigger than a pool?
Shane: A lake is bigger.
Bernie: Yes, and what do you think a lake is?
Shane: Someone that has business in every city?
Bernie: It’s someone that owns businesses or sells products all over the country. Lakes make hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
Shane: Yes please, I want to be a lake!
Bernie: (Gives Shane a look as if to say, “You know there’s more.”)
Shane: I know I have more potential than a lake.
Bernie: What do you think is next, Shane?
Shane: The universe! I want to be the universe. Everyone in all the universe will buy my product.
Bernie: When aliens come then you can learn to think that big, but for now you should be like me: an ocean. Do you know what an ocean is?
Shane: Someone that has businesses around the world.
Bernie: Yes, but there is more to being an ocean. You have to think like an ocean. How do you think an ocean thinks?
Shane: I’m not sure what you mean.
Bernie: When they think of doing business and making money, what do you think they think about?
Shane: How to make lots of money and fast?
Bernie: (Laughs) Shane, you need to think like an ocean. They think about how to sell a product or build a business that everyone will buy or shop at all over the world. Start thinking like an ocean and then you will be able to become an ocean.